Whether you paddle for recreation or competition, rowing will help you prepare for the endurance of a long, weekend paddle, your next stand-up paddling adventure or the rigors of a marathon canoe race. (Racers: the parentheses below indicate which part of the race the exercise simulates.) For sport-specific training, you might also want to check out Paddle Sport Training's paddling adapter for the Concept2 Indoor Rower.
Sample Workout
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Goal: Prepare for a canoe race or a weekend of paddling.
- Row easily for 5 minutes to warm up; get off and stretch briefly if you want to.
- Row 2 minutes hard (the start).
- Row 5 minutes of moderately intense steady work (settling in).
- Take a full pressure 30 second sprint every 3 minutes, maintaining a good steady pace between the sprints. Do this 5 times, which should bring you to an elapsed time of 22 minutes (working the pack/drafting).
- For the next 20 minutes, sprint for 1 minute every 5 minutes, still maintaining a good steady pace between sprints (beating another boat to the next portage).
- Row easily for 5 minutes to cool down.
- Stretch.