Hiking is generally a long steady workout of varying intensity depending on the terrain. If you’re carrying a pack, good core strength will be an advantage. Rowing will prepare you by improving your endurance as well as your strength and flexibility.
Sample Workout
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Goal: Prepare for a long hike on varied to steep terrain.
- Row easily for 5 minutes to warm up; get off and stretch briefly if you want to.
- Row 8 minutes at a moderate conversational pace.
- Row 4 minutes at a moderately intense pace (harder to keep up a conversation).
- Row 1 minute easy.
- Row 6 minutes at a moderate conversational pace.
- Row 3 minutes at a moderately intense pace.
- Row 1 minute easy.
- Row 4 minutes at a moderate conversational pace.
- Row 2 minutes at a moderately intense pace.
- Row 2 minutes at an intense pace.
- Row 1 minute easy.
- Row 2 minutes at a moderate conversational pace.
- Row 1 minute at a moderately intense pace.
- Row 1 minute at an intense pace.
- Row easily for 5 minutes to cool down.
- Stretch.
Total time: 46 minutes