Cycling usually involves hills. Whether you love them or hate them, you can design rowing workouts that prepare you for the climbs on your routes.
Sample Workout
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Goal: Simulate a series of climbs with long intervals.
- Row easily for 5 minutes to warm up; get off and stretch briefly if you want to.
- Row steadily for 8 minutes at moderate intensity with a 20 stroke burst of intensity at 4 minutes and 7 minutes.
- Row easily for 2 minutes.
- Row steadily for 7 minutes at moderate intensity with 20 stroke bursts at 2 minutes, 4 minutes and 6 minutes.
- Row easily for 2 minutes.
- Row steadily for 6 minutes at a slightly higher intensity with 10 stroke bursts every minute.
- Row easy for 5 minutes to cool down.
Total time: 35 minutes
Note: For help on setting up this workout, see Setting Up a Variable Interval Workout.