Training Plan Apps for Rowing, Skiing and Cycling | Concept2

Training Plan Apps for Rowing, Skiing and Cycling

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May 27, 2021

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Before undertaking any fitness plan, please check with a medical professional. Concept2 is unable to determine if rowing is right for you. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own medical and physical condition and to independently determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content at Any exercise program may result in injury. By voluntarily undertaking any exercise displayed at, you assume the risk of any resulting injury.

Concept2 offers many Plans and Resources to help guide your training; our Concept2 Training Guide can help you set up a plan that best fits your goals and activity levels. There are also many apps that can organize your training, suggest workouts, or even set up your monitor for you! This can keep your training handy; your daily workouts can be just a click away on your smartphone or tablet. Here’s a few of our favorites.

Rowing: 2k Training Plans

The 2000 metre distance is popular because it is the Olympic distance for rowing and a common training goal for many on water athletes. It is also frequently used for physical fitness testing; the evaluation takes approximately six to ten minutes and can be a good assessment of power and endurance.

On water athletes may recognize the face of eight-time world record holder, four-time Olympian Eric Murray in the asensei app. His (RE)COMMIT program can guide you through a training plan towards your best 2k. asensei also offers online classes to help guide you through the work.

RowForge provides training plans for a variety of goals, including the 2k distance. Their conditioning programs can help you improve your cardiovascular and power functions. Tests will help you establish your current baseline fitness; plans ranging from four to six weeks can set you on the path of success towards a new PR. RowForge can program your Performance Monitor for each workout.

RowErg and SkiErg: Chase Your Fitness Goals

Training plans can help take the guesswork out of what workouts will help you reach your fitness goals for any time or distance. EXR designs rowing workouts and gives feedback to keep you on track. Their animated courses aim to make rowing fun as you train in a virtual environment. There are also options to race or join classes.

ErgZone is another option (for both rowing and skiing) that will set up your monitor with workouts to keep you working towards your goals. Partner Coaches contribute innovative private workouts just for you.

If you’re looking to take the guesswork out of your next workout, KREW is another option that curates workouts for you based on how you’re improving. Krew works for RowErgs, the SkiErg and the BikeErg. Their online classes give you additional ways to complete your metres.

All of these apps (asensei, RowForge, EXR, ErgZone and KREW) will upload your results directly to the Concept2 Online Logbook. This allows you to seamlessly train, track, rank and analyze results.


Follow your own workout calendar for the BikeErg with three recommended apps:

  • Trainer Road offers science-driven plans that are built around your seasonal goals and lifestyle.
  • The Sufferfest training plans are designed by world-class coaches who have worked with elite and professional athletes. The Sufferfest is based in sports science and have been verified in lab testing.
  • Zwift creates long-term training plans using over 1000 structured workouts. Each plan is tailored to your fitness level. The plans are flexible to accommodate your schedule and give you opportunities to immerse yourself in competition and scenery in Zwift’s virtual worlds.

Apps that provide training plans give meaning and structure to the data in your Concept2 Performance Monitor. With the support of apps, we’re confident you’ll reach your goals.

Resource List: Apps that Offer Training Plans

This is a condensed list of the apps we described above. All of these training apps are compatible with the Concept2 PM5 monitor.




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