ErgData’s Real Time Loop Turns One!
It’s been a year since we introduced the Real Time Loop, a unique way to connect with other Concept2 erg users from around the world in real time! It’s all part of our free app, ErgData. The Real Time Loop enables you to row, ski or ride with others on a virtual 1000 metre course.
For the past year, the loop has been steadily growing in popularity. To celebrate our first year, we're hosting a Real Time "Lap the Loop" event on Friday, February 16. Don't miss the details below!
What exactly is the Real Time Loop? For those who haven’t tried it yet, the loop is a virtual 1000 metre course available at any time to anyone in the world on a Concept2 erg! Sign on through ErgData, tap on Real Time and you will be on the loop, represented by your chosen avatar. Your avatar is your profile picture, if you have one, or your initials if you don’t. And you will see the avatars of everyone else who is out there erging when you sign on. After a few visits, you’ll begin to recognize familiar avatars—people who are out there most every time you are. And then there will be new ones constantly joining. Everyone is also represented by their country’s flag, and it’s fun and interesting to see how many countries are out there.

We thought it would be fun to round up some stats since we introduced the Real Time Loop in February of 2023. Thirty thousand unique people from 143 different countries have used the loop, either rowing, skiing or riding. A total of 230,000 workouts have been done, with the average number of laps per person at 4.4. This puts the total number of laps completed at just over a million!
Lap the Loop with Us!
In honor of the Real Time Loop's first birthday, join us on Friday, February 16, for some celebratory laps around the loop! We’d like to gather as many people on the loop as we can at 3 a.m. and 5 p.m. (GMT). Just FYI, the busiest hour on the loop to date was from 5–6 p.m. GMT on January 22, 2024, with 106 people from 24 countries. Let's see if we can smash that number on February 16!