Oars: A Spring To-Do List | Concept2

Oars: A Spring To-Do List

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Mar 17, 2022

As you prepare to get back on the water this spring, our Regatta Service Team has these tips to get your oars and sculls in shape for your rowing season.

  1. Inspect your oars. It is important to catch damage as soon as possible; it can be dangerous to row with a damaged oar. Inspect for blade dents, shaft cracks, or water in the shaft. Feel for soft spots on the shaft; this could indicate invisible cracks. 
  2. Encourage teammates to report any potential damage to equipment. Even if equipment does not look broken, simple acts such as catching a crab, hitting a bridge abutment, or finding a big log in the river may lead to damage. Many rowers are too embarrassed or scared to report collisions. Reward athletes who speak up.
  3. Look for signs of wear on the sleeves. A worn sleeve will affect feathering, your roll-up, and pitch. Sleeves should be replaced as needed, but a clean and well-cared for sleeve will last a long time.
  4. Store oars and sculls in racks with the handles up, when possible. Avoid scratching blades in gravel, on concrete, and against docks and other hard surfaces. Blade damage most often occurs at the edge of the blade due to scuffing or hitting against something.
  5. Do not store your oars long-term in continuous sunlight. Ultraviolet light will eventually degrade the carbon surface and shorten the life of the oar.
  6. Transporting oars on unprotected metal roof racks can cause serious damage. Tie down oars with adequate padding, or use the Concept2 scull case for protection.
  7. When carrying oars to and from the dock, do not bundle them. This often leads to blades rubbing against one another in transit, and when dropped to the ground. Instead, carry one oar in each hand.
  8. If you must lay your oars and sculls on the ground or on a dock, lay them down with tips up to avoid wearing. Keep oars out of the way of being stepped on.
  9. Do not push away from the dock with your oars. Practice pushing away as a crew or walking down the dock.
  10. Rowing in salt water? Rinse equipment after every use. Pay special attention to sleeves, collars and oarlocks.
  11. Give your grips special attention, especially if you’re sharing oars. Clean and disinfect regularly.

We encourage you to learn how to replace parts yourself. We have instructions and videos on our website so you can do the work on your own. Oar Repair Instructions Oar Repair Videos

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