Replacing the End Cap on a 5 cm Adjustable Handle | Concept2

Replacing the End Cap on a 5 cm Adjustable Handle

Bob Beeman, a member of our Regatta Service and Oar Manufacturing team, demonstrates how to replace an end cap on a 5 cm adjustable oar handle. Note: This procedure does not apply to the handles on Bantam sculls.

Replacing an End Plug on a 5 cm Adjustable Handle(PDF)

Materials Needed

  • Loctite 409
  • Sandpaper
  • Pliers
  • Replacement end plug
  • Heat gun

Procedure Overview

  • Remove end plug
  • Prepare parts for glue
  • Apply glue to inside of handle
  • Install new end plug and grip


  1. If the end plug is still in the handle, use the heat gun to heat the first 1-2 inches of the handle end to warm the end plug and loosen the glue.
  2. Use pliers to grip and rotate the end plug to release it.
  3. Scuff the new end plug and the inside of the handle with light sandpaper.
  4. Apply Loctite 409 adhesive to the inside of the handle around edge. Do not use too much glue. A 1/16” bead of material is sufficient to secure the end plug. Note: Excess glue inside the handle can dry and crumble causing a rattle in the oar.
  5. Insert the new end plug into the handle end. Note: If the handle has a raised, single alignment key molded into it, ensure that the single key on the end plug is aligned with it.
  6. Slide the grip over handle until it stops. The adjusting screw will touch the end plug. (Note: Do not turn the adjusting screw yet. Simply slide the grip on.) This will center the end plug. If the handle DOES NOT have a raised alignment key molded into it, rotate the grip so the locking clamp and screw are facing up relative to the oar blade.
  7. Leave the oar in this position and allow the glue to cure for 24 hours. After the glue has cured, adjust the grip to desired length using the adjusting screw.