Retrofitting Performance Monitors to Older Machines | Concept2

Retrofitting Performance Monitors to Older Machines


Improve your experience by updating the Performance Monitor on your machine to a PM5. Refer to the following table for pricing, features, and retrofit instructions based on the model you have. All pricing listed applies to the Benelux only.

Not sure which model you have? We can help

PM5 Retrofit Kit Options
Machine Model Retrofit Kit Part Number Price What's Included Power Source Instructions
Dynamic 1818 [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² n/a
Model E 2565¹ [prices:pm5-retrofit-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Device holder
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² PM5 Retrofit Model E(PDF)
1818¹ [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² n/a
Model D 2562¹ 210,00 €
  • PM5 monitor
  • Device holder
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² PM5 Retrofit Kit Model C/D(PDF)
1818¹ [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² PM5 Retrofit Model D(PDF)
Model C 2562 210,00 €
  • PM5 monitor
  • Device holder
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries only³ PM5 Retrofit Kit Model C/D(PDF)
Model B 1832 215,00 €
  • PM5 monitor
  • Smartphone Cradle
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries only³ PM5 Retrofit Model B(PDF)
Model A 1831 [prices:pm5-retrofit-a]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Smartphone Cradle
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries only³ PM5 Retrofit Model A(PDF)
¹ When retrofitting a PM5 to a Model D or Model E you have two options: to purchase just the Performance Monitor (PN 1818) or to purchase the Performance Monitor with new mounting hardware and the device holder (PN 2562 or 2565).

While the PM5 will fit on the existing monitor arm, the new monitor arm (included with PN 2562 and 2565) allows for improved monitor cord routing for a tidier overall finished look, and the ability to mount most phones and tablets. The retrofit you choose is up to your personal preference.

² When using a PM5 on SkiErgs or on a Model D, Model E or Dynamic, the spinning flywheel provides power for the Performance Monitor, so there is less drain on the batteries while the machine is in use.

³ When using a PM5 on a Model A, Model B or Model C, the Performance Monitor is powered solely by the two D cell batteries.


Improve your experience by updating the Performance Monitor on your machine to a PM5. Refer to the following table for pricing, features, and retrofit instructions based on the model you have. All pricing listed applies to Benelux only.


Not sure which model you have? We can help

PM5 Retrofit Kit Options
Machine Model Retrofit Kit Part Number Price What's Included Power Source Instructions
Dynamic 1818 [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² n/a
Model E 1818 [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² n/a
Model D 1818¹ [prices:pm5-retrofit-dyn-e]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² PM5 Retrofit Model D(PDF)
1834¹ 225,00 €
  • PM5 monitor
  • Smartphone Cradle
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries and generator² PM5 Retrofit Model D(PDF)
Model C 1833 [prices:pm5-retrofit-c]
  • PM5 monitor
  • Smartphone Cradle
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries only³ PM5 Retrofit Model C(PDF)
Model B 1832 215,00 €
  • PM5 monitor
  • Smartphone Cradle
  • Mounting hardware
  • Two D cell batteries
Batteries only³ PM5 Retrofit Model B(PDF)
¹ When retrofitting a PM5 to a Model D, you have two options: to purchase just the Performance Monitor (PN 1818) or to purchase the Performance Monitor with new mounting hardware (PN 1834).

While the PM5 will fit on the existing monitor arm, the new monitor arm (included with PN 1834) allows for improved monitor cord routing for a tidier overall finished look. The retrofit you choose is up to your personal preference.

² When using a PM5 on SkiErgs or on a Model D, Model E or Dynamic, the spinning flywheel provides power for the Performance Monitor, so there is less drain on the batteries while the machine is in use.

³ When using a PM5 on a Model B or Model C, the Performance Monitor is powered solely by the two D cell batteries.
